Showing posts with label warm weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label warm weather. Show all posts

Thursday 10 January 2013

Warm weather

It's been warm this week - unseasonably so.  And the weekend ahead is downright balmy for January.  I've been sitting on my hands in terms of vegetable garden planting, but I've been ordering seeds, woo-hoo!)

This weekend, I'm planning to free the woodland perennials of their winter overcoat of leaves (not necessarily a good thing when they're water oak), cut back the main perennial border, and get the satellite garden and main vegetable garden ready for early planting (I've already put in garlic, onion sets are on their way, and I've got perennial leeks to move around, as well).

No sign of deer lately, but I'm totally mindful that they could appear at any time and yum up anything that's not too herbal or spicy (hmm, I won't be planting lettuce or mild cole crops without some sort of barrier here in the Piedmont, that's for sure).