Showing posts with label tomato. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tomato. Show all posts

Friday 9 May 2014

What's New

Okay Kids, So I talked last spring about what is my favorite place to shop at for such a large variety of vegetables and flowers. Again I went to Baker's Acres and got some NEW Varieties. (Click here for last years new veggies).

Juane Flame, Big Zac, Ananas Noire, Abe Lincoln, Tomande, Lipstick

Ive never seen these varieties at my other nurseries so I had to get them. Notice the 'Big Zac' tomatoes! I got three of those! I mean, they named it after me so I really had to. I am still waiting on the beds to be done with the remodel before I can plant them in the ground. Hoping to have that all done by next week. I am deciding to use the EarthBoxes only for peppers. The tomatoes just get too big and unmanageable in them.

I hope all you kids got some new and different varieties... Try something that you never have...I double dog dare you to! Here are some of the different varieties that Baker's Acres had that I liked.

Black Magic Viola: truly a black flower!
Look at these guys, Grafted tomatoes! I don't know if you have heard about these guys yet, but way cool, also Way expensive! A grafted tomato is a combination of two tomato plants. Normally they are one Hybrid and one Heirloom variety. The rootstock is the hybrid and the scion is the heirloom. This makes the heirloom variety more vigorous and immune to soil born diseases. It does not protect it form air born diseases however. Still pretty cool. I know that you can do it yourself too. Maybe I'll try it next year.
Grafted Tomatoes

Monday 20 May 2013

What's New

So Kids, took my mom and my sister out to the GreenHouse. Boy was that fun, the weather was perfect and it was such a lovely country drive. It was part of my mom's Mother's Day gift. We got a lot of really great plants, here are a list of some of them. Thats one thing that I really love about Spring, you get this fun feeling.

So Here is a real interesting plant we got. The Mexican Gherkin Cucumber was on of those really different plants I found. It is an heirloom variety that produces small 1 inch perfect for pickling!

This was another really fun plant, not even because of the uniqueness, but mostly because of the sign...So funny!

This is also really cool, Shiso smells amazing, like a mix between basil and mint. Plus it can be used to color drinks!

I can't wait to see how these fun plants turn out!