Tuesday 4 September 2012

Native Plant Issues: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

This is a fall round up of current issues relating to native plants. They highlight some of the issues that native plant enthusiasts should address to move forward in our goal of more regionally appropriate natives being planted more widely.


Good: USDA is sponsoring the first ever National Planting Day on Saturday September 8th where they urge Americans to plant native plants. They also explain how a community garden can earn the designation of a ‘People’s Garden.’ They further urge people to get involved by planting natives “in a highly visible location in your community. This garden can be a demonstration garden, promoting the beauty and function of native plants to your neighbors.” I hope you can participate in the festivities.

Bad: The person who wrote this post on National Planting Day, apparently does not know what a native plant is...

Read the rest of my post over on the Native Plants & Wildlife Gardens blog...


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