Showing posts with label tea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tea. Show all posts

Wednesday 4 January 2012


Tea boxes. Do you ever get annoyed with how they just clutter up your cupboards with random half filled boxes and the occasional loose tea bag that wanders around? You can never seem to find the teas you want because they are never where you put them last. Well leave it to me to attempt and fix this problem. We are a huge Tazo Tea drinking family. So we have lots of the Tazo Tea tins that end up just being thrown away once we are done with them. Not any more.

I recently have been seeing a lot of people doing stuff with the chalkboard paint. If you haven't heard about it its very cool. You can write on it with chalk and it rubs write off. *light bulb* Why not use the chalk board paint to re-purpose my Tazo tins into Tea tins!
Valspar makes a chalkboard paint and I found it to be AMAZING!!!!
Materials Required

The tin painted and waiting to dry off.

  1. Prepare your work area. Lay some newspaper down so as not to get the paint anywhere.
  2. With your masking tape, tape around the edges of the label. This will ensure that you don't get any paint the spots you don't want it.
  3. grab your brush and start painting it.
  4. The Finished Project.
Mine took about 15mins to dry completely. Now you can either use chalk or paint pens on the new tin. I am using the paint pens because they look a little better and are a tad more permanent. To remove the paint pens from your tin, get an alcohol wipe and wipe the paint pens off. Its perfect!

Side Note:
Thanks Aunt K for sending the delicious cookies!!!! They tasted so yummy, and looked so good in the pictures! :)

Aunt K's Cookies

Wednesday 10 February 2010

On cold days like these, when the snow is falling all around you, its nice to cuddle up in a chair with a book and a nice hot cup of tea! This past summer I had the wonderful opportunity to make my own tea blend. All the ingredients in this blend were grown by me. At the farm, we grew Chamomile, Calendula, Feverfew, Peppermint, and Clover. But we never used any of these blooms for anything. They were only used for looking at. Why, I have no idea! I decided, to make my own brew, and Mmmm Doggy, it's good. These are the pics of this wonderful tea, it is so good that I decided to plant most of these flowering herbs in my garden this year. You will see in my previous post, that they are indeed in the plans. If you so desire, you can do the same. All of these herbs are beautiful in your flowerbeds and landscape; but if you spray your flowerbeds, plant it with the veggies instead. I mean really, does anyone want all those chemicals in their tea, I don't think so. Then when your plants bloom just snip off the flowers. This is good for your plants and premoted them to produce more buds!

Here are the ingredients:

  • 3 parts Calendula Blossoms
  • 3 parts Red Clover Blossoms
  • 2 parts Peppermint leaves
  • 1 part Chamomile Blossoms
  • 1 part Feverfew Blossoms
Hope you get the chance to try this. It's really tasty!