Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Saturday 1 November 2014

Late afternoon snow melt

As the snow melted from the leaves of trees this afternoon, under a still lead-grey sky and intermittent flurries, the trunks and branches of the trees in the ravine glistened with remnants of the overnight snow.

As I was putting dinner together, the view was striking.  Now, as the oven hums, the wind howls, and with mid-30° F temperatures, the snow echoes are almost gone.

view from the kitchen window

the big red oak through the deck door

An unusual early snow

Overnight snow on November 1 is highly unusual, much less the soft fluffy snow that fell, clinging to leaves still on the trees and furrowed bark.

The contrast between the glimpses of fall color cloaked in snow with the vibrancy of a couple of days ago in clear light -- remarkable.
November 1 snow
scarlet oak, red oak, and ginkgo with snow
snow out the window

Thursday 1 May 2014


Okay Kids, spring is one of my favorites. I love taking pics of the yard because it only happens once.
Here in Ohio, we have had a strange one. Everything is so Late 3 weeks ago we got SNOW!

And things were just starting to come  up too. look at these baby radishes! Just covered with snow!

My helleborus looks so beautiful with a drop of melting snow on it.

The tulips also took the snow well. but look at the backyard!

Finally I had to go to the nursery and relieve my winter blues! Dills Greenhouse, is a great little nursery that is locally owned and has such genius little ideas, plus Look at all of these summer tropicals!

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Snow and more snow

Happily, we've just had so far - lovely snow. 

The sleet is currently falling this evening, but the temperatures (for Clemson, SC) are predicted to gradually rise around freezing overnight, so accumulations of the 2-4 inches won't (hopefully) be issues in terms of power outages. (The snow hasn't accumulated on trees and power lines, thankfully).

This isn't the case for lots of folks across a wide band of the SE US, unfortunately. 

And we have another "snow" day tomorrow, with campus closed again.

I'd have photos, but my camera is up in the mountains (left behind by accident in the bread box drawer!)

Hmm, WHEN will I be able to get out and get the beds ready for early spring plantings of peas and greens?   Nothing has overwintered, for sure, so I'll definitely be starting with a clean slate!

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Now, potentially much more (snow and ice)

Hmm, this is definitely the odd winter!  We're experiencing the potential advent of another snowstorm (with ice) blanketing the Southeast for several days, after an exceptionally cold January. 

This, after a lovely and benign snowfall overnight that had melted by late afternoon.

Campus (and most everything else that can close due to winter weather) will be closed tomorrow.  I'm grateful that I can just stay home.  And be hopeful that the power will be on!

But I'm mindful of all of the folks that need to get to their jobs (in all of the service capacities that we depend on).  Thanks to all of them.

Friday 16 January 2009

Six Inches Deep

Brrrrrrr....I don't know about you, but it is cold here, like -10 without wind chill factoring into the problem ... I could tolerate some warm Puerto Rico weather right about know... I may have to post about my trip there, but that is another day!

While it was snowing yesterday, I got the brilliant idea to go out and get some pics of the snow falling. I grabbed my camera; layered on some hats, pants, shirts, gloves, and boots; and bravely faced the great out doors...okay, so just my neighborhood. I was able to get a lot of pics from the houses, here are some of them. I completely missed GBBD, so this is my make up.