Showing posts with label pawpaw. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pawpaw. Show all posts

Friday 7 November 2008

Painting a Passion

So I thought that I would break away from the usual garden "stuff" I usually post on, and instead head off in a new direction today. While surfing Blotanical (a blog site that catalogs different gardening blogs) I discovered, in a round about way, a blog called Never Enough Time, and might I say, she inspired me! Balisha (the owner of the blog) was talking about how she loves to paint, and how painting has helped her look at the true beauty of nature and the world around her. As I was reading this blog post, as I recommend all of you to do the same, it became clear to me that I too must share one of my life passions with you. That passion is, the passion of art.
Oh how I love art. When I was young, and I know all the old people on this blog will tell me that I am still young, I would always be drawing. And like all kids, I would draw whenever, wherever, and on whatever I could. I will not lie, this got me into a lot of trouble, especially when I started drawing on the doors, walls, and my mom's wood furnishing. Don't worry though, I got smart, I started writing other's names instead of my own...Ah, go'da love that old noggin of mine!
I can remember when I was younger, my best friend Zack and I would always be drawing things, whether they were comics, cartoons, or just anything! I quickly grew out of the comic and cartoon stage, and moved onto greater things. At the age of 16, I coerced my mother to let me take art lessons. For the longest time I had wanted to paint, my mom had painted when she was younger, and still had some of her pieces of art work around the house. This made me want to paint even more. One of the family's oldest and dearest friends, had taken art work from a lady who is absolutely the Michale Angelo of her time! So I convinced my mom, that if she would drive me to art lessons, I would pay for the supplies and everything else. It WORKED, Mom agreed, and since then I have loved every moment of it.
The first picture that I painted was A Painted Bunting. For my first painting, I am very proud, many people do not believe me when I tell them that it was my first painting ever. But alas, it is true *blush*!
The second picture that I did is Puerto Rican Mission, this picture was one that I took when I was visiting some of my relatives in PR. It is one of the many Puerto Rican missions there, but I think that it is my favorite out of them all.
Last but shirly not least is the most recent one that I am working on. This is a picture of a Pawpaw Flower. For those of you who do not know what a pawpaw flower is, I will explain. A pawpaw is a type of native American fruit that tastes much like mix between a banana and a mango, very tropical! In the spring time the trees get little black flowers the adorn the limbs of these trees, and that is what I was painting. . . a pawpaw flower!