Showing posts with label does and fawns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label does and fawns. Show all posts

Thursday 19 June 2014

Deer herbivory pressure

Hmm, disappearing leek tops and parsley had me suspicious about woodchucks a couple of weeks ago in the Piedmont-- really, parsley eaten from the large container on the top of the front steps?

But, seeing two sets of does with fawns today -- one outside my study window, and the other near the Madren Conference Center where my SCBG colleagues and I do rotating gardening call-in shows on YourDay (we were on today), had me re-thinking this.

The Madren Center is adjacent to the golf course, and I saw the mom and two fawns right next to the main entrance road, leaving the radio studio.  It surprised me, but maybe it shouldn't?

I'm thinking perhaps deer ate the leeks, potato tops, etc, after all. I am truly sympathetic as a wildlife-friendly gardener, but these young deer families are RIGHT in the middle of town and campus!