Showing posts with label berries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label berries. Show all posts

Monday 16 February 2009

Valentines Day

I Know I am very late, But I hope you all had a wonderful Valentines Day, I know I did! Actually I worked all day with my brother, but to me, spending time with family is a wonderful day. After that I spent the night at my sister's house, so that my parents could have the house to themselves.
Here are some pictures that I took last Spring, these berries are called serviceberries, and are really yummy. They taste very similar to blue berries, except they grow on trees rather than a bush. Serviceberry trees are often used as an ornamental plant in many homes. Most people don't know that serviceberries are edible, they just know that birds go crazy over thesse berries. So if you can get the berries before the birds you are in luck. I know that last year, there must have been a bumber crop, because there were way too many berries for both the birds and two teenage boys. That is a lot of berries. Each day my brother and I would go to the trees and gather tubs full along with our stomaches. Last Spring, my brother wrote a post on it, to see it click HERE. They are very yummy, if you have one in your yard or in your neighbores yard, get ready to have a new addiction.