Tuesday 8 December 2009

My Moss

My dad and I recently redid my room. We repainted the walls, the ceiling, and put new trim in. I will admit, it looks pretty sweet. When I was redoing the room, I thought it would be really neat to have some moss plants in it, to give it that naturalistic rustic feel that I love. My sister had some very beautiful pots that were used as centerpieces for her wedding> I grabbed some of those and made out like a bandit. We have moss in the backyard, that was really attractive looking. My dad had brought it back when he went up to the Michigan house. It really shaggy looking with lots of bright and dark highlights. We also had some standard moss that feels more like velvet. Quickly I grabbed the moss and again made out like a bandit. I wish I had taken picks of the process when I was making it, but alas I did not, so use your imagination.
I added some crushed pop cans to the bottom, because I did not have enough potting mix to fill all three containers. Then I added a couple of inches of potting mix (depending on the height that I was looking for). Lastly, I applied the moss on top and secured it with metal hooks.
FYI; when you remove the moss from your yard (or wherever), you need to take some of the original soil with it. Just like all other plants, it needs it roots, no matter how shallow.


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