Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Make Parks Swimming Teeny in Minimalist Home

If you have the rest of the land there is no harm if used for a fish pond tiny and minimalist garden, maybe some of you all still have the rest of the land, both on the home front, the side, or back home confused to be used for, among solutions right is making a fish pond. The fish pond is usually synonymous with a garden flowing sound of water droplets.
In addition to the functions that are so artistic tiny garden pond can also serve to conditioning the soul. You will feel calm and comfortable after seeing pond filled with fish are beautiful. In order to add artistic value fish pond, the fish selection that will fill the pool also determine the value of beauty, to fish in your garden pond, fish koi are suitable.
Koi fish pond depth is very important for the life of the koi fish. The good pool depth of more than 80 cm (section filled with water), so that the fish pond is protected from interference beasts of prey, pets such as cats and other animals that might destroy your fish. Fish pond deeper will also be helping to stabilize the water temperature caused by the scorching heat of the sun, cold weather in the night or in the rain.
Parks Swimming

Seat Design Options Garden Attractive

Small garden in a minimalist house you will feel more comfortable by adding a garden seat design, so that the function of the park in addition to beautify the house can also be used for a place to relax with family, friends and even your guests. With a pretty garden decoration in front of the house can beautify the look of the home page as a whole. Beautiful garden homes can provide multiple benefits for you as a resident of the house.
In addition to providing freshness in the home, the presence of a beautiful home page will make the shelter look beautiful and attractive. One way is to put the garden to decorate furniture and garden accessories. If you liked the oriental style, you can hang lanterns in lieu of garden lighting. Or if you like Japanese style garden then you can put the plant bonsai rocks in the vicinity.
In the case of garden furniture, one that could give accent beauty is a garden chair. Function chairs in the garden house can be a family gathering arena to sit back and relax enjoying the beauty of the park. To model the garden chairs can be adjusted with the function of the park itself. If your garden as a children's playground area, then the model can be shaped like a lawn chair swing. You can also use a garden chair without a backrest made of natural stone.

 The chair models can be placed next to the fountain in the pond minimalist around your garden. The presence of such a seat can certainly make residents feel at home to relax in the garden area. Seat model can also be customized with a theme park of your choice. This will create a beautiful garden harmony when seen.However, there are some things to consider when selecting outdoor furniture such as chairs garden. Not just any chair can be placed in the park. For tropical weather is changeable then you should consider a lawn chair material to prevent rapid deterioration eroded by the weather. Avoid garden chairs made of iron. This is because the nature of the iron that is easily corroded if you are outdoors.Similarly, garden chairs made of rattan. Materials of rattan can not stand the heat and continuous rain. This will result in rattan look chapped. Material from the best garden chairs for outdoor areas is material from teak wood and wood Nyatoh. Furniture chairs for the garden will look more natural and more durable when using the material. This type of wood is also not easily damaged even though exposed to sunlight and rain water constantly. 
Garden Chair Design

Pictures of Rear Garden Home With Modern Design

Creating the garden behind the modern and beautiful, is not an easy thing. Many things that need your attention. Rear park itself has a huge benefit for a place to stay. Aside from being a Greening area in the house, the back garden can also be a spot to gather with family after a long day of work. Designing a garden is comfortable, but also give a modern feel is the dream of every person.
If your backyard is wide enough, you can use it to be used as a garden that brings coolness to the house. The garden behind the house cool and beautiful could provide an alternative place to unwind and saturated after you move all day.
However, to design it also can not be arbitrary. In addition as air conditioning and the atmosphere around the house, garden house is also helpful during hot weather. Parks can provide coolness, as well as in the afternoon, the home garden at the rear of the house can use to gather with family.
For those of you who are still confused to find out how the image of cozy back garden with a modern design, here are five garden design inspiration behind the modern and beautiful.
1. Tiled Porcelain and Wood

Park at the top, reflecting a modern home garden landscape. The park uses of porcelain tiles, wood, grass and various plants. In addition, do not miss also the addition of a small fountain and the more makes this park look modern and beautiful.
2. Placing a Dining Table

You can add a dining table in the garden behind the house to create the impression of comfort. With this you can get a different atmosphere when eating food. Moreover, the existence of the pool which makes it more beautiful scenery.
3. Artistic
The rear garden design fits perfectly with the theme of the house. Both look harmonious with one theme, namely modern. Beautiful artistic touches and a good crop placement makes this park look so beautiful.
4. The Hanging

 One way to look more unique your back garden, you can put three chairs that hang this one
5. Lighting lamps

One of the most important factors to design problems is proper lighting. As well as garden design following creative with the placement of many types of plants and do not forget to add a garden light. Not only will it give the impression of a comfortable and beautiful, but also adds to the impression of an exotic.
Well, that was a few examples of garden behind the house with a modern design that you can make the inspiration to create beautiful home garden. May be useful.

Friday, 27 January 2017

6 Ways to Make the Ideal Home Garden

Has the ideal garden can be used as an element to enhance the look of the home as well become saturated and stress reliever for the residents.If you want to create a beautiful home garden design and well, should you need to consider the following points: 
1. Character Building and Occupant 
We recommend that you adjust the design of the park with the concept of home. It is for the park and the house looks aligned. In addition, the psychological problems of the residents is also necessary to take you to design a garden. This is because of their association with psychological occupants of the house, the garden can serve as a sedative soul.
 2. Land 
In the home garden arrangement, must be adapted to the land you have. If the land is used for gardens not too broad, you can work around this by planting plants that simple. In addition, other alternative, you can grow plants in pots.
3. Circulation of People and Window Glance 
Circulation of the people referred to here could be the circulation of people in the park or the circulation of people heading to the patio or the main door. Placement of windows overlooking the park should you want so that the owner can see the garden from inside the house. Therefore, the circulation aspect also needs to be considered because it deals with a window view. 
4. Hardscape
Hardscape or the harsh elements on the park can be shaped statues, rocks and ponds. Hardscape usually designed at the beginning of a garden. Aside from the hardscape elements, some are called softscape are complementary elements in the form of plants. 
5. Type Plants
The choice of plants depends on the concept of home you have and hardscape park. For example, you have a concept of a minimalist home, then you can choose plants that are practical and have a minimalist character (the leaves are not dense). 
6. Lighting
If in the park, you give the plants or bushes are exposed to sunlight for a long time (over 5 hours), you should place the trees as shade plants. For lighting the park at night can put artificial light in order to look beautiful garden.

Home Garden Design Ideas Beautifully

If you are looking for inspiration in the design of the garden house, you've come to the right place.This article gather enough some landscape ideas that can help you get started in planning the garden you've always dreamed. You'll find a variety of garden styles in this photo, you need to do is pick your favorite and start further research.Right garden furniture and plant species, can set the tone for an incredible atmosphere, a refreshing place. You can start gardening adventure own memories, or you can hire a landscape architect to help provide advice.Either way, in designing a garden, you have fun, relax, and experience. Green labyrinth, stone pathways, ponds, fountains flowing, colorful flowers and small trees flanking the road around the home page.It is all the elements that can make beautiful state. Once this is done, you would like to enjoy the fresh morning and shelter around the green trees on your own, or take some good time as well as in the afternoon, after a long day's work.

10 Ways to Keep Garden Home Minimalist and Modern

Has a beautiful garden and cool to the eye is the dream of most people. but often there are some things that may be overlooked by some people, that means keeping. here we explain some things you should consider for your garden look beautiful:
1. Flush the plant correctly 
If the plants in your home garden is planted with a medium pot, you have to water it properly. The trick is that each pot has certainly circle to where it comes out. Flush the plant until water was overflowing and out of the hole. And stop immediately when the water was out because of excess water when the plant will easily rot.
 2. Add moisture 
How do I know that the lack of moisture your plants? It's easy, you can see your plants, if you find brown spots on the leaves, it is certain that your plants need moisture. So immediately move to a more humid.
3. Lighting
Not all plants can live in the dark. Some of them need adequate lighting in order to photosynthesize. Therefore, make sure your plants get sunlight is appropriate, because it is very important. 
4. Change of land
Sometimes the plant still can not grow up even though getting the lighting and enough water. If that happens, the solution is to change the planting medium. Do not have to replace it with charcoal or crystal, but replace it with new soil in order to renew the plant nutrients.
5. Clean plant 
Not only human beings who want to look clean, the plant also appeared to want the same thing. The trick is to clean the leaves for the sake of the leaves with a soft cloth, this method is used to prevent the plants from dust. 
6. Check the pests and insects 
Plants and flowers that flourish may attract pests, insects. But it is not a good thing if they do not pollinate, but would damage the crop. Well if you find signs of your plants begin to be attacked by pests and insects, immediately eradicated by the pest and insect repellent. 
7. Replace the pot 
Replace the pot according to the size and age of the plant. This will help the plants to grow better.
8. Cut the twigs
Cutting small twigs or leaves are dried disruptive will not make the plant manti. On the contrary, it will make plants grow better.
9. Natural fertilizers 
Add dirt and compost into the soil so that the needed nutrients during growth can be obtained with the maximum. Try to consult with the one who plants the seeds of good composition. 
10. Do not let your plants grow on their own
Just like humans, plants do not like and can not live alone. So try to buy other plants and place them close together.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Photos National Park World's Most Beautiful 2015

This is the Most Beautiful National Park Photo 2015 in the World that has amazing beauty comes with the beauty of the flora and fauna that will add to the beauty of the national park. Here I will only give Photo Beautiful National Parks in the World 2015 alone, although in Indonesia is a lot of beautiful places, but still can not enter into the category of the most beautiful national parks. For that please my friend see below that will certainly make us feel at home for the holidays there. Photos National Park World's Most Beautiful 2015 1. Beautiful Fiordland National Park, New Selaindia
2. Beautiful Banff National Park Canada
3. Beautiful Yellowstone National Park, USA
4. National Parks Beautiful Sagarmartha- Nepal
5. Beautiful Galapagos National Park, Ecuador
6. Beautiful Iguazu National Park, Argentina
7. Beautiful Kakadu National Park, Australia