I've been paring down my gardening and natural history books, with upcoming consolidation to a smaller living space.
It's an interesting process (not without angst).
I think about and weigh (based on my de-cluttering inspirations): have I looked at this field guide lately? Do I really want to know as much about dragonflies as this very nice guide provides? Ditto about caterpillars? Hmm.
My gardening companion and I don't need duplicates, either, so extras are being shed.
And doesn't the internet now provide access to virtual field guides of all sorts, I'm thinking?
This is at least the 4th time I've gone through the book shedding process, now with increasing intensity as moving looms near (three weeks from Friday), thinking about how much space I'll have for books, and what I really need to go forward in my work in the future, volunteer and otherwise.