Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Spring is coming

Another spell of warm weather always reminds me that, here, in the Southern U.S., spring comes early.

February often brings lovely bright days -- we've have a row of them -- with temperatures up in the mid 60°'s F.  Balmy, really.

So spring is just around the corner.  Even the native plants are starting to show signs of buds swelling.

Our Carolina Jessamine has flower buds close to opening.  It's a good sign.
Carolina Jessamine (some years ago)

Spring Updates

Hey Kids! I know there isn't much happening outside, but I already have spring fever. Such a bad time for this. I think I'll start my leeks and onions soon. Maybe the end of the month. The "girls" are doing well and laying eggs often. I am getting an average of 3.10 eggs per day. Wait Zach, you may ask, how are you getting 3.10 eggs? I'm just averaging the number of eggs that I am gathering over the course of them laying. It is so humorous. I never named the chickens, I just called them "the girls". My mother, on the other hand, all of a sudden started talking to me about Georgie, Henrietta, Esther, ect. This was the text I got from her one day.

Mom- "Zach Henrietta in out in the yard!"
Zach- "Okay...and..."
M- "I put her in the coop"
Z- "WHY? Who is Henrietta? Is that a chicken?"

Anyways you get the picture. So now I am getting lots of different colors of eggs. I am selling them now, and all the proceeds are being donated to my local church. I made my coop from a Lil-Tike play house, I'll have to tell you all about it some spring. Unfortunately I lost all of my pics when they were babies :( 

To sign off, here are the girls wishing you 'Good Mornin' while eating their oatmeal breakfast.