Sunday 15 June 2014

More nature journaling and watercolor

I suppose I'm already a nature journaler, but adding sketching and watercolor is something new again, and returning to my "roots" as a nature observer, many years ago.

My scientist and observer skills serve me well, I've found, in trying to translate what I see in the natural world to paper, in the language of an artist, as my teacher, Robert Johnson, in a recent 4-day workshop described.

His work is wonderfully evocative of the natural world, extracting the essence of what he sees.  It was a great workshop and helped me build a bit more confidence in describing my observations through an artistic medium, beyond photography.

Here were a couple of the watercolor drawings that I did!

 Serviceberry fruits and leaves
native Geranium

Friday 13 June 2014

Zucchinis, garlic, and kites: summer is here!

Oooh tiger zucchinis.

Changing seasons for our edibles

The tiger zucchinis are doing very well this year and I scramble to harvest them before they get too big. Half of one of these beauties was grated into a tuna salad, while the other half was sliced and was added last to a stir fry featuring onions, garlic, garlic chives, parsley from our garden, plus store-bought celery & 2 Boca Burgers (our favorite non-meat patties). The other one and maybe an additional one still growing in the garden will be the key ingredient in some zucchini bread. Yummy.

The last lettuce crop and the parsley have bolted and the broccoli is done after many months of come-again picking. My husband made a nice tabbouleh from the last of the parsley crop. I've allowed the plants to remain in the garden so their blooms will attract pollinators.
The parsley has bolted so this may be our last tabbouleh of the season. :-(
After a few days without rain last week, it was dry enough to harvest the garlic. It's now hanging in the garage to dry. The onions that I harvested last month had dried fully, so we cut off their leaves and roots and stored them in 2 cloth bags in the floor of the pantry. The garlic will also be stored in the same manner in a few weeks. The bulb that had split apart was used right away—it would not have been a good candidate for drying. I'll add some compost to the onion and garlic beds, cover them with pine needles and let them sit for the summer.
A bountiful garlic harvest this year. One garlic bulb had divided itself and was starting to grow.

A gator adventure

We had an alligator is our pond for a couple of weeks.
The trappers used an underhand casting technique.
A few weeks ago, we noticed a small (30") alligator in our pond. We've lived here for 10 years and had never seen one before. My husband called Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission to report the gator and for information on what to do. We learned that a gator is not a nuisance until it reaches 4' and that sooner or later every body of water in Florida will host a gator.

A few days later we got a call from these gator trappers saying that a permit had been issued on our gator. They brought their fishing poles with heavy weights and treble hooks. This way they could hook onto the back of the gator and haul it to shore where they could haul it out with a noose-like tool. They deftly used an underhanded casting method to probe the pond. The gator was not found that day. They came back a few days later when they were in the area after trapping a gator from a golf course. Still no gator. We haven't seen it since then, so it probably has moved on—either back to the lake or to another pond in the neighborhood. We wish it well, but our pond frogs and fish are probably relieved.
A gator from a golf course.

Swallow-tailed kites

We love that our neighborhood supports these graceful birds. They are efficient flyers that use only a few beats of their wings when taking off, but then they glide with only twitches of their tails to keep aloft or to change directions. The Audubon Society's website says that they are our most aerial predators. They lift our spirits for sure.
A swallow-tailed kite on a snag.Kites use very few wing movements in flight.

Fire in the sky

Florida's 5-month wet season begins in June.  This means that our cloud formations are more spectacular during these months. 
An amazing sunset. This is the season for Florida's spectacular cloud formations.
This sunrise  was beautiful when viewed from our front yard or reflected in our pond.
A reflected sunrise in our newly cleared pond. More on the pond soon.
I hope you are enjoying the beginning of summer whether you are enjoying the sky, watching birds, or working in your gardens. 

Green Gardening Matters,
Ginny Stibolt

Tuesday 10 June 2014

How 2's: Marigolds

Hey Kids, I've got another How To for you today. I though we would talk about Marigolds. Nothing is as beautiful as a flowing bed of marigolds. They are the flower that gives without giving up. By being drought resistant, disease tolerant, and ever flowering, this plant has become a staple in many gardens. Its common folklore that Marigolds will even keep out unwanted pests when planted around the garden. The flowers are edible and are also used as dyes and teas. So all together its a good flower that you should have in your yard. They are also really easy to start from seed!

By using a heat mat I got my seeds to germinate in 2 days! I am planting Queen Sophia, just because I love the full mum look. But there are so many different looks that are available. You all know how much I love Livingston Seed Co. there seeds are the best quality for the smallest price (no they don't sponsor me). Click HERE to see my blog comparison of seed companies. 

Marigolds are so easy to start from seeds. This tray that I am planting in has 72 cells/plants for $1.29 as compared to the flats at the nurseries that only have 24 cells/plants for $12-$16! Not to mention that in one packet of seeds I was able to plant 2 trays or 144 plants for $1.29. Now that's a bargain!

Monday 9 June 2014

What is this

So check this out! I am used to seeing grubs when I am digging and planting, normally they are small maybe a half inch. While I was planting some noble giant spinach, I ran across this guy! look how big he is, almost half the size of the plant tag. probably 2.5-3 inches long! If I grew up in the Amazonian Forest, I would think that he was a tasty little meal, fortunately I am not. I found one like him two years ago. I have no idea what he is!!!!!!

I gave him up as a sacrifice the the robins who have some young little birdies in the nest. If you have any idea what he is, please let me know.
Huge Grub that I found in my garden, probably 3" in length. If you know what it is, please let me know.
Update 5/9/14:

I found out what this is. I believe it is a cicada larva! this year I found around 50 of them in the garden! Yuck!

This is only a portion of the grubs that I found. But let me tell you, that the robins really liked me a lot.
The robins were really happy with me. They would wait for me in the garden and when I found a grub I would throw one to them and they were ever so happy!

Fairy Garden DIY: Potted Succulent

Okay kids, I've got another fairy garden DIY for you today. This one is pretty easy (I'm getting all of the easy ones out the way frost before tackling the harder ones). Fairy Garden Succulent Planter, it's way too easy. You know if you have succulents in your yard how quickly they begin to reproduce. I simply found one of the tiniest tiny succulent out in the yard I could. If there are no tiny ones just stip the top off a larger succulent stip the lower leaves and plop it into a container of potting soil. Make sure to keep it constantly moist to encourage rooting of the cutting. 
: thimble (or other small container
: succulent or other small plant 
: potting soil 

1) find your succulent 
2) place it inside of the container
3) water

Go see see my other fairy garden tutorials:

Saturday 7 June 2014

Down on the farm

A guest post from my grandson Weber who is working on a farm this summer. 

Summer at Magee Farms: Part One

Hi! My name is Weber Stibolt, and I’m one of Ginny’s grandchildren. This summer I am working at a produce farm in southern Delaware, and she asked me to write a few columns for you to show you a little bit about what goes on behind the scenes. I am a rising junior and am studying Food Science at the University of Delaware. 

Although there are many paths that I can take with this degree, one of the aspects that interests me the most is food safety. With increased capability to detect foodborne pathogens and an increase in food safety regulations like the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2011, there is and will be an increased demand for specialists to help producers of food ensure that they are taking the necessary steps in order to reduce the risk of microbial contamination. 

A family farm

Magee Farms has been a family farm since 1865 and this is the fifth generation farming the land. 

I have been hired as a Food Safety Manager to assist the produce farm in keeping records and making sure everything is in order for the annual food safety audit. I will mainly be overseeing the packinghouse where the watermelons and sweet corn that the farm produces are packed and put onto trucks to be sold at local supermarkets. 

The picture below shows just some of the paperwork that goes in to all of this! The government agency completing the audit is the USDA. The paperwork isn't necessarily being turned in - it's being reviewed by them to make sure we are in compliance with everything that needs to be done and is just a means for collecting data like temperatures of water and proper levels of chlorination and a whole list of other things that I will cover in more detail in later posts.

More pictures and posts to come. ~Weber


Have you thanked your farmers today?

Green Gardening Matters,
Ginny Stibolt

Sunday 1 June 2014

A red-bellied woodpecker

There's a male red-bellied woodpecker that's been a regular at our feeder this spring, making occasional, but not infrequent, forays to snag LOTS of seeds, presumably to cache at least some of them.

This post from a couple of years ago has better pictures, with more explanation!

Today's photo (the only one I managed to get) was quite blurry -- but it was fun to see him visiting, in any case.

a male red-bellied woodpecker at the feeder