Thursday 16 May 2013

The last cool-weather crops

It's my opinion that the best growing season here in north Florida is the winter because the cool-weather crops that grow right through to late spring. But now that season is transitioning to the warm/hot weather and those lovely crops that we've enjoyed through the winter are ending their cycles. I've loved that my husband and I have been eating from the same six broccoli plants since November! After harvesting the large curds (heads) shortly after Halloween, they've sent up side shoots with abandon--if we don't pick them every second day or so, they'll bloom, which would signal that they can slow down. I planted a second crop of broccoli in January that are now sending up their own side blooms, so we've been eating lots broccoli!
A harvest earlier this week created ...a whole meal salad.
In the photos above, I created a whole meal salad from this one harvest. Starting with the knife at the bottom and moving clockwise: butterhead lettuce, garlic chives, purple lettuce, curly parsley, chive flowers, come again broccoli. broccoli flowers, and carrots--both orange and cosmic purple. I fried some 7-grain bread in olive oil and wild garlic for croutons and then we created our own oil and vinegar dressing and topped it all off with some Parmesan cheese. Very nice meal. In my presentations, I mention that my husband and I have reduced our food bill by about 15%--whole meal salads are one of our favorites!

I harvested all the lettuce yesterday, because some of the plants were beginning to bolt,
which makes them bitter. Time to take them all in and hope that we eat it all before it spoils.

If I'd harvested the lettuce earlier in the season, I would have left the roots in place so we could have enjoyed some come-again lettuce. But it's too hot now.A rosy wolf snail found in the lettuces. This is a good snail--a carnivore that eats slugs, worms, insects, and other snails. While the shell was cracked, it was alive. I moved it to the Swiss chard row.

Sweet onion harvest

Sweet Onions!

Yesterday was the day. The soil was dry and more than half of the onion leaves had fallen over. In addition some of the onion were blooming, a bad thing for the maximum bulb size, because the producing the flower uses much of that stored energy in the bulb.

We'll hang the most of the onions on a line in the garage, the ones that were blooming and the smaller ones with no good leaves left, we'll move to the refrigerator to use first.  It'll be months now before I have to purchase onions.

Next, I'll harvest the garlic.
Yesterday's onion harvest. Half of them had been growing in that empty wide row between the parsley
and the second broccoli crop and some carrots. For more information on wide row gardening see my post "Wide Row Gardening and Trench Composting."

Hidden ginger lilies are blooming this year.

The rest of the landscape

While I write a lot about the edible gardening, the rest of the landscape is looking wonderful with the flush of growth due to the recent rains and warm weather.

The previous owners left us with some canna lilies that have multiplied like crazy and have started blooming.  They also had planted some hidden ginger lilies, which took me a while to finger out what the heck they were since they only bloom every other year. See my piece "Hidden Ginger Lilies and other Intriguing Monocots."

I'm off to the Florida Native Plant Society Conference today, which is in Jacksonville this year. If you're free tomorrow, Saturday or Sunday, come on over. Here is all the information you need for registering onsite: It's NOT too late! The FNPS conference is this week.

Hope to see you there!

Green Gardening matters,
Ginny Stibolt 

Thursday 9 May 2013

Swiss chard

I wish I had a photo to go along with this post! 

I harvested lots of chard from the mountain beds earlier in the week (they were starting to bolt).

We had part of it (the harvest) cooked a couple of days ago, but I included the final harvest in a chard salad to take to a local foods potluck this evening.  Yum. 

I'd not made a fresh chard salad before, amazingly, but chard (chopped finely) is mild in taste, and with some vinaigrette, onions, chives, chive flowers, and some diced purple sweet potatoes -- it made a lovely, colorful, and delicious dish.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

An Edible Gardening Convert

A nice collection of lettuces.
A guest post by Claudia Graves, a college friend and now a new and enthusiastic gardener.

Zero to sixty in three years

My mother could grow anything. It seemed that her touch could bring a sickly plant back from the brink or encourage a healthy one to thrive. “The greenest of green,” is how I used to describe her thumb, but she passed that trait along to my brother only. His plants thrive. Entrance into myhouse is the kiss of death. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that I kill them with kindness and too much watering. No – I kill them with neglect and abuse. Why use “dirt” other than what lies right outside my door?  Why fertilize except for an occasional blast of some chemical so potent that it produces instant wilting… followed by a high probability of death. And watering? Once every few months should do ‘em. So I have “grown” a lot of lush “plastic plants” in my lifetime and not much else.

Then somewhere along the way I discovered that pencil cactus and aloe could often survive my version of care, so I grasped that straw and grew multiples of each on the porch. They were never exactly healthy, but they didn’t totally die. Just parts of them died. Sometimes big parts.

More Vegetables

However, everything changed a few years ago when my significant other and I began eating a lot more vegetables and started making green smoothies every day for breakfast. I bought organic vegetables whenever possible, but the variety was limited and they were very expensive.

Claudia's array of Earthboxes next to the pool.

Several friends had gardens and I began to give that some cautious thought. Knowing my track record as a gardener I wondered if there was any point in trying. But as luck would have it, Ginny stayed with us a few days during one of her book tours and I decided to mention it to her. We walked around my yard and she pointed out a place where a garden might grow. She told me how to proceed and we did everything she said. I couldn’t believe it - things actually grew! Somehow I hadn’t expected that. It wasn’t totally wonderful because there were too many “critters” and not quite enough light, but it was an exciting start.

The next fall I decided to try container gardening inside the screened pool enclosure. That was easier and worked better because there was plenty of light as well as bug and “critter” protection. An additional benefit was that I could move the pots around or even take them inside if frost was expected. We had a better crop that year but it was still a lot of trouble. It didn’t look very good and I had to water, fertilize and weed. Obviously, none of those are my strong points.
Kale growing without weeds because of the
plastic mulch.

Earthboxes to the Rescue

“Get Earthboxes” several people said the next year. I didn’t really believe all that they told me, but we drove to the Earthbox Research Center anyway and attended a demonstration. I was amazed at what I saw there and how foolproof it seemed to be. Nothing is left to chance because in addition to the containers themselves, the right amounts of everything needed is sold in individual packets: soil, dolomite, and fertilizer as well as a plastic cover to keep the moisture in and the weeds out. It would be almost impossible to do it wrong.

I was so impressed that we bought four of them on the spot then returned a few days later for two more. Several weeks later we bought a seventh box. On the second trip we also got an automatic watering system that is controlled by a battery operated timer. Not only does that mean that we don’t ever have to water (sigh of relief from me and the plants), but that the garden is self-sufficient when we are out of town. With the addition of the watering system there is nothing to do after the initial planting except to harvest the crop. And we do just that – big time.

Every day I gather one or two colanders full of vegetables for immediate use and also have extra to share or freeze for later. I am amazed, my friends are impressed, and I have overheard golfers on the course behind us talk about the “garden house.”

I’m actually a gardener now. Who would have thought?

Claudia and I enjoyed a sunset at the beach in St. Pete.

I love that you can read this post by one of my disciples--a convert to gardening. One problem Claudia will have with her screened-in veggies, is that she'll need to hand pollinate the squashes that she's just started. There are male and female flowers and without pollinators, she will not get any developed fruit unless she transfers the pollen.  

I spent three nights with Claudia while I was speaking to groups in central Florida and then participating in the Green Thumb Festival in St. Pete. It was a great way to catch up and one evening we drove a few miles to the west to enjoy a beach sunset. :-)

Green Gardening Matters,
Ginny Stibolt

Saturday 4 May 2013

Waiting for monarchs

I brought some Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) shoots and (dug-up) plants to share with a friend in the mountains.  She's "fostering" monarch caterpillars through Monarch Watch (I think).  What a great thing to do!

I had plenty of milkweed in the Piedmont, but the chilly spring has meant slow emergence in the mountains.  And the numbers of monarchs overwintering was at a really low point this year, so help (for the successive broods as they come north) is especially important.

Planting milkweeds of all sorts, but particularly common milkweed, is especially important, as it helps their journey north, as it takes at least 4 generations to make it to the farthest point!

My favorite site for tracking the adults is Journey North, but there are others, too.

And my friend shared this great video about the journey of Monarchs via her Facebook page, which I'm reposting here.

Friday 3 May 2013

Bok Choy

This year I have a lot of Really fun greens that I will be planting. One unique green is Bok Choy, sometimes called Pak Choy. I am planting a Red and Green variety. They should be planted every 12" apart, and can be used as a cutting green or harvest all at once, like a one stop shop. Unfortunately they are also susceptible to the vial Flea Beetle. Me and the Flea Beetle are not very good friends, they have destroyed many an eggplant in my garden...Who knows maybe this year we will have better luck. Lets gross our fingers.
Red Bok Choy on Left and Green Bok Choy on Right.

Later on when I harvest, I will post another video on the total process  But here we go...the 1st video ever on this blog.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Spring migrants

The director at the Garden where I work (in the Piedmont of SC) reported hearing numerous warblers yesterday in our woodland gardens (in this Facebook post). Wow!

And Journey North's expert described an amazing array of sightings in his final Weather and Songbird post.

It's a great time to be out watching (and listening) for birds.